Welcome to the (gomoney) future 🤖

Modern banking is dominated by technology and the race to improve customer experience. Throughout our growth at gomoney, this has been our focal point - improving customer experience. To do this we've built and released a product with a wide range of features that cater to the needs of Nigerians in different demographics. The financial growth and wellbeing of our customers has translated directly to growth for us and this is why we've reached a crucial tipping point in our operations.

With our current NUBAN implementation and the release of account numbers to our customers, we've added to our value proposition by providing customers the familiarity of owning an account number similar to what traditional banks are able to offer and the added comfort of still carrying out ecosystem transactions with their phone numbers.

NUBAN is a 10-digit Uniform Bank Account Number created by the CBN to make transactions easier between Nigerian banks. In an effort to offer, even more, these account numbers are not tied to any traditional banks' infrastructure, to ensure our customers are provided with quality services. Any recorded downtime will be closely monitored, resolved and effectively communicated with customers.

With NUBAN serving as the unique identifier for gomoney customers, we've provided customers with the ability to change their phone numbers. This will impact the usability of our product, giving customers full autonomy to resolve certain issues relating to their phone numbers by themselves. For accessibility, your new account number can be found on your profile page and on the fund page as well.

What comes next? We've already updated the iOS and Android apps in the stores. We're slowly phasing out the currently implementation of carrying out interbank transactions using phone numbers - by the 30th of November, 2020, this will no longer be available.

We're always open to feedback and suggestions from you. Please reach out to us on social media or send an email to [email protected] and we'll get back to you 😉

Happy Banking!